Defining Vision: Crafting a Clear and Compelling Future State

Do you think that someone can take a plane and after boarding the plane decide on his destination? Or someone gets into an engineering school and realises that he wanted to go to medical school? Or someone gets into a business and feels frustrated that the business practices do not align with his values, and he must compromise on those?

All these things happen because the journey started without enough homework or preparation.


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Vision - Vision is all about your destination.
Where do you want to reach? or What do you want to become?

This is about the future.

 Vision can be qualitative or quantitative.

 You need a very, exceptional clear vision. And to me, a vision is something that you can say in one sentence. The fewer the words the better.It can also be your big hairy audacious goal, which may never happen.

 Let’s look at some examples –

Tesla – Vision Statement
“To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to   electric vehicles.”

 Amazon – Vision Statement
"To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online."

McDonald’s – Vision Statement
“To move with velocity to drive profitable growth and become an even better McDonald’s, serving more customers delicious food each day around the world.”

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