

A Simple Guide to OKR: An Introduction to Objectives and Key Results

5 minutes / Business Growth

In business, it's important to set goals and work together to achieve them. OKR is a way of setting goals that helps us focus and stay on track. Let's begin understanding what OKR is, how it works, and how it can help us succeed.

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12 Secrets for Best Email Marketing Practices

7 minutes / Business Growth

"Sending emails is simple but using them for marketing isn't.

To succeed in email marketing, you need a plan, skill, and testing. Despite the rise of other marketing methods, email is still highly effective for businesses of any size and industry.

Though it may not be as trendy, email marketing remains a powerful tool for generating leads and converting prospects. So, here are some proven best practices to help you get more leads for your business."

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? Crafting effective email marketing campaigns requires finesse. Here's how you can elevate your strategies:


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The Ultimate Guide to Pricing Strategies

5 minutes / Business Growth

Pricing strategy is like a secret weapon hidden in the world of business, holding the key to unlocking success and profitability. Just as an artist carefully selects colours for their masterpiece, crafting the perfect pricing strategy requires creativity and precision.

In this article, we'll explore the intriguing world of pricing strategy, uncovering its importance, key elements, and simple tips for achieving success.

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Perfecting Your Presentation Skills: Tips for Speaking

5 minutes / Success Framework

Perfecting the art of presentations is akin to the meticulous tuning of an instrument – it demands practice and finesse.
Let's be honest, not everyone is a born orator. Whether you're a seasoned professional, an enthusiastic intern, or a diligent student, the prospect of delivering a presentation can be a source of nervousness.

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Master the Art of Exceptional Email Crafting

5 minutes / Success Framework

Elevating your email game from mundane to magnificent doesn't require a Ph.D. in communication or a stack of self-help books. Instead, dive into the subtle art of crafting emails that captivate, inspire, and get things done. 

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Shaping your purpose: How to define mission and vision?

5 minutes / Business Growth

Do you think that someone can take a plane and after boarding the plane decide on his destination?

Or someone gets into an engineering school and realises that he wanted to go to medical school?

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Innovation Mindset - Can small businesses adapt it?

3 minutes / Success Framework

Is innovation only for big corporates?
Can small businesses embrace innovation in a sustainable way?
This is a very common question which many business owners struggle with. It is assumed that innovation is an expensive and risky strategy, so most of the small businesses usually stay away from that.
But is there a way for small businesses to embrace and sustain innovation?
Yes, by adopting innovation mindset.

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Success Framework to achieve whatever you wish!

4 minutes / Success Framework

Success isn't just a roll of the dice, my friends. It's the magnificent result of your actions, thoughts, and a clear goal. It's like aiming for a bullseye rather than shooting arrows in the dark!

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