Sparking a Mental Health Revolution the Story of The Unopened Box

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In India, mental health is gaining more attention, thanks to efforts by people like Leanne Pais and her organization, The Unopened Box. Leanne, a psychotherapist, saw the need for better mental health care and decided to make a difference.

A Personal Journey

Leanne’s perspective on mental health was shaped early on, growing up in a family of doctors. She saw firsthand the value of therapy, which was further cemented through her own experiences. She often found her aunts and cousins feeling better after talking to her, highlighting a significant gap in the way emotional health was addressed within her family and the larger community.

This realization spurred her to specialize in trauma care, art therapy, and inner child work. Leanne’s extensive experience in trauma and PTSD aftercare, coupled with her certification as a professional supervisor (ACA accredited), equipped her with the skills needed to make a significant impact in the field.

 The Birth of The Unopened Box

 The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it a wave of mental health challenges, revealing the urgent need for accessible and quality mental health services. Leanne observed a spike in therapy requests during this period, as people grappled with grief, helplessness, and trauma. Recognizing this growing need, she decided to take her practice online and train other therapists, leading to the founding of The Unopened Box in 2020.

 The Unopened Box aims to offer quality mental health services provided by trained professionals. The organization also facilitates workshops, training, events, and community-based initiatives, focusing on helping individuals explore themselves, unlock their potential, and discover their true selves.

Making a Difference

The Unopened Box provides therapy services to individuals aged 5 to 88, with sessions starting at Rs 800. To date, they have:

  • Conducted 368 hours of workshops.
  • Expanded their training programs to include a variety of courses.
  • Facilitated numerous creative experiences.
  • Delivered over 9,300 hours of therapy.

    Their clients hail from across India and internationally, including countries like the UAE, UK, US, Australia, Canada, Germany, Portugal, and South Africa.

A Holistic Approach to Therapy

Leanne believes therapy should be holistic, meaning it should cover all aspects of a person’s well-being. The Unopened Box offers individual, group, and couples therapy. They also run workshops on self-soothing techniques, men’s mental health, and inner child nurturing.

The organization, incubated at IIM Bangalore, includes creative therapy methods like art therapy, clay workshops, storytelling, and dance classes. Leanne says, “At the core of therapy lies compassion, gentleness, and playfulness—a gateway to unlocking resilience and self-discovery.”

Gender Equality and Community Engagement

When Leanne started her practice, most of her clients were women, with a ratio of 80 women to 20 men. Today, The Unopened Box sees an equal number of men and women, each making up 50% of their clients. This shows a positive change in how men are now more open to seeking help for their mental health.

The organization also focuses on supporting young mothers. They run workshops on postpartum depression and mom guilt, helping new moms cope with these common issues. Additionally, they offer grief support groups for those dealing with loss.

One of their innovative projects is an online community library. This library has 78 books and plans to add 500 more. These books are used in workshops and are available to clients, covering topics like grief, love, friendship, sexuality, and trauma. Although the library is currently online, Leanne plans to create a physical library in the future, where they will host various workshops and sessions.

"Working with the community is at the core of what we do. We aim to bring systemic change to mental health in homes, schools, and beyond," says Leanne. "We’re not just therapists; we’re facilitators of change, spreading compassion through families and into society."

With a strong focus on dedication and inclusivity, The Unopened Box is breaking down the stigma around mental health, creating safe spaces where people can heal and grow.

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