To empower entrepreneurs to grow their businesses in a sustainable manner by providing all necessary resources on one single platform, where possibilities flourish.

To be the ultimate resource platform, guiding every entrepreneur, in their journey to business growth and success.

our approach

Success Framework

To make your business grow, it's essential to prepare entrepreneurs and their teams for the journey ahead. That's why our resources go beyond business topics – they're also designed to help you grow personally.

Is there a  way to grow personally and succeed? Absolutely, and we strongly believe in it. Personal growth and success have a simple formula, which we call ASK.

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Your attitude shapes everything. Having the right mindset is crucial for your journey to success.


Success needs a mix of both technical skills and how well you work with others. This includes what you know and how you interact.


In today's world, knowledge is easily accessible. But getting the right information is the key to your path to success.

Growth Framework
our approach

Business Growth

We're happy to introduce our 3-step framework, which has facilitated the sustainable growth of numerous businesses:

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Gain a clear understanding of your goals and aspirations.


Develop a well-informed strategy by comprehending your business, surroundings, and stakeholders.


Translate your strategy into actionable steps for practical implementation.

Tip of the day

"Set specific, measurable goals that can be tracked and assessed. Measurable goals make it easier to hold yourself and others accountable for progress."


Latest Blog

Meet the Man Who Created an App to Make Rides 50% Cheaper by Introducing Shared Cabs

5 minutes / Success Framework

As rain tapped rhythmically on the window, Shubham lounged on his couch, enjoying a cup of coffee and browsing through Twitter. The cozy ambiance made it an ideal lazy day. Then, a tweet grabbed his attention: "Just scored a flight from Pune to Bangalore for ₹3,500. Followed by a cab ride from the Bangalore airport to home for ₹2,000."

Reading the tweet, memories flooded back of Shubham's own experiences grappling with the steep cab fares from Bangalore Airport. The frustration of those exorbitant costs and the significant dent they made in his wallet came rushing back to him.

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Sparking a Mental Health Revolution the Story of The Unopened Box

5 minutes / Inspirational Stories

In India, mental health is gaining more attention, thanks to efforts by people like Leanne Pais and her organization, The Unopened Box. Leanne, a psychotherapist, saw the need for better mental health care and decided to make a difference.

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Quenching the Thirst A Husband-Wife Duo's Tech Innovation Makes Bottled Drinking Water Affordable

5 minutes / Success Framework

In the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer movie "Swades," the protagonist Mohan Bhargav finds his calling after witnessing a boy selling water at a remote railway station. Similarly, for Amitt Nenwani, Co-founder of Wahter, his moment of awakening came during a routine business trip.

Observing the Need

While on the road, Nenwani stopped to buy a bottle of water, only to be struck by the sight of a child drinking from a pool of roadside water. This stark contrast sparked a conversation with his wife, Kashiish, leading them to realize the urgent need to make clean water accessible to all at an affordable cost. Thus, the idea for Wahter was born.

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How this Woman entrepreneur from Manipur is making clothes from lotus stem fiber?

5 minutes / Success Framework

Picture yourself in the colourful landscapes of Manipur, where a remarkable story unfolds. Here, a talented woman entrepreneur is changing the game of fashion by crafting clothes from lotus stem fiber. Join us as we explore this fascinating journey, where nature meets style, and success blooms from humble beginnings.


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HR strategy is a roadmap for solving an organization's biggest challenges with people-centric solutions. HR strategies aim to drive overall business success by spurring employees to provide high-quality work. This approach requires HR input during policy creation and elevates the importance of recruitment, talent management, compensation, succession planning and corporate culture.

A marketing strategy refers to a business’s overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of their products or services. With a marketing strategy, you can define how your company positions itself in the marketplace, the types of products you produce, the strategic partners you make, and the type of advertising and promotion you undertake. 

Communication is vital to both team and individual success in the workplace. Clear communication at work can help you avoid misunderstandings, develop strong relationships with your coworkers and establish yourself as a valuable member of the team.Successful communication at work can prevent tension and help people work as a team, which is important in any industry. For example, clear communication skills can help you negotiate for a raise or delegate responsibilities to the right people on your team.

Time management has many benefits to your professional life and overall work-life balance. Time management is important: it helps you keep your workday under control, allowing you to build your business without sacrificing your personal life. Good time management enables you to achieve greater levels of performance and productivity. Effective time management reduces overwhelm and helps you prioritise, ensuring you work smarter and achieve your goals faster.

A “growth-mindset company” is willing to take risks to find success. A growth mindset makes it much easier for you and your team to identify potential areas for innovation and expansion and find out which workflows may be holding your business back. As a business leader, challenges are inevitable. Instead of shying away from them, a growth mindset encourages you to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

Few Golden Rules of Communication that needs to be followed are :  Communicate early and often, tell everything or tell nothing, Empathize before you communicate, When possible, speak, don’t email, make it simple and be clear etc.       

There are specific ways to do that can improve your communication skills listen, listen and listen, who are you talking to matters, body language matters, check your message before you hit send, be brief yet specific, write down things, maintain a positive attitude and smile.

Time management is very important. Few ways for managing time are Figure out how you’re currently spending your time, Create a daily schedule—and stick with it, Prioritize wisely,Group similar tasks together, Avoid the urge to multitask, Assign time limits to tasks, get organised, eliminate distractions etc.

Problem-solving is important both to individuals and organizations because it enables us to exert control over our environment.Problem solving is important because it helps people solve problems in their lives and work. 

Few techniques for problem solving are Identify the problem, break the problem down, generate potential solutions, evaluate the possible solutions, implement and monitor the solutions.

The Multipliers

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Dhruva Karunakar
I can't say enough about how well the team has tailored to my need of taking my business to another level. The step by step guidance has helped me expand sales, improvise on systems, concentrate on growth and diversification and also multiply my business. With its expert and friendly coaching, it allows me to work in my genius zone and offers further clarity and confidence in implementing strategies and leadership.