Tip of the day

"Create email templates for common responses or inquiries to save time and ensure consistency in your communication."

13 Dec 2023
"Take a step back, evaluate where you went wrong, and improve on your weaknesses. Your hard work will pay off."
12 Dec 2023
"Meditate — you’ll be amazed by the change it can make in your life."
11 Dec 2023
"Focus on one task at a time, and do it with your whole focus. When you're with friends, don't check your email. You will feel much more productive and empowered as a result."
10 Dec 2023
"Do the most challenging or important task of the day first."
09 Dec 2023
"If you decide to scale your business, you’ll need a strong team to help you do great work. The only way to do this is by recruiting and hiring the best people."
08 Dec 2023
"Make time for social activities. Attend events, do some networking, or start a hobby that gets you out into the world. This can improve your energy levels and also help you expand your support system."
07 Dec 2023
"Ask yourself who your competitors are, what they’re doing (that you’re not doing) that works for them, and how you can differentiate your business from theirs."
06 Dec 2023
"Networking events allow you to connect with people in your industry, many of whom have unique perspectives and insights that can help you grow your business."
05 Dec 2023
"Another method to grow your business is to create profiles on all of the major social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. An active profile helps you market your business and interact with far more potential customers."
04 Dec 2023
"Another great method of growing your business is to focus on providing superior customer service. When you exceed customers’ expectations, they are likely to tell their friends, family and followers about your business."
03 Dec 2023
"Planning your next step — in anticipation of all possible scenarios — is the best way to stay grounded and secure as your business evolves."
02 Dec 2023
"Deliver quality experiences and products, and they’ll quickly sing your praises on social media; mess it up, and they’ll tell the world even faster. Fast growth depends on making your current and potential customers happy."
01 Dec 2023
"Stop wasting time and money hiring the wrong people. It’s time to improve your interviewing skills."
30 Nov 2023
"One of the most helpful things a business owner can do is write a business plan. This document lets you define the scope of your business needs, startup costs and the target market."
29 Nov 2023
"To maximize your chances of success, keep accurate records of all transactions, cut costs wherever possible (without sacrificing product quality) and focus on providing an outstanding customer experience."
28 Nov 2023
"Use templates or scripts to deal with commonplace customer queries so you can respond with ease and professionalism. "
27 Nov 2023
"Studying your competitors helps you define your competitive edge while finding your weaknesses relative to your rivals. Look at their tagline, unique value proposition and products or services. "
26 Nov 2023
"Make it easy for your customers to get in touch with a real human on social media, messaging apps, email or even by phone. "
25 Nov 2023
"Establish a baseline to measure actual expenses against planned expenses. By looking at budget variances, you can see where your estimates are accurate and where they’re off. "
24 Nov 2023
"Use accounting software to automate your day-to-day bookkeeping so you don’t waste time on data entry. "
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