Case Studies


Facebook's WhatsApp Revolution: How a $19 Billion Deal Shaped the Future of Messaging

/ Business Growth

In February 2014, Facebook made a big move by buying WhatsApp, a super popular messaging app, for a massive $19 billion!

Before Facebook bought it, WhatsApp was already super popular. Millions of people used it every month to chat with their friends and family. Facebook noticed this and thought that buying WhatsApp would help them reach even more people and make their messaging even better.

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OKRs and Corporate Strategy: Lessons from Google's Experience

/ Business Growth

Google, renowned as one of the world's leading technology companies, encountered difficulties in aligning its ambitious objectives with the endeavours of its extensive and varied workforce. To tackle these challenges, Google embraced the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) framework as a strategic management tool. 

In this case study we will explore Google's experience in implementing OKRs and the transformative effects it had on the company's performance and culture.

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The Superstar of Indian Flavors: Amul, the Magician in Every Kitchen

/ Business Growth

The superstar of Indian Flavors! Imagine it as the magician behind the deliciousness in every Indian kitchen. From the tasty Milk and Butter to the cool Lassi, smooth Curd, and the sweet world of chocolate, it is like a food superhero making everything yummy. Can you take a guess? Bingo! It's none other than Amul, rightly hailed as "The Taste of India."

You will find every Indian household consuming at least one product of Amul on regular basis. Think of your kitchen like a fun stage, and Amul is the main actor, making mealtime an exciting adventure. With each sip, bite, or scoop, it tells stories of tradition, excitement, and tasty treats. More than just a food brand, Amul is like a food friend, bringing happiness to every meal and making ordinary moments feel extraordinary.

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Decoding Parle-G: The Story Behind India's Favorite Biscuit"

/ Business Growth

Embarking on the journey of starting a business and making it a global success is no small feat. Now, let's take a delightful trip through the history of India's biscuit scene, focusing on the oldest players in the game.

After the British era, there was a biscuit brand that not only grabbed attention but also etched its name in everyone's memory through some seriously cool ads. This was the time when advertising became a game-changer. Guess who owned the stage? Yes, it is none other than the iconic Parle-G!

Let's delve into the fascinating success journey of Parle-G.

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Unveiling the Reasons Behind PepperTap's Startup Failure

/ Success Framework

Let's rewind to 2014, where the brilliant IIM alumni, Milind Sharma, and Navneet Singh, embarked on a revolutionary journey in Gurgaon.

Their daring quest? To reshape the very essence of grocery shopping across India. Can you guess the trailblazing name? Bingo! It's none other than the unforgettable PepperTap!"

This article takes you on a comprehensive journey through Peppertap's inception, uncovering the intricate details from its start. Furthermore, it unveils the key factors contributing to the startup failure of PepperTap, offering a thorough exploration of the highs and lows in its entrepreneurial trajectory.

So, let’s begin by learning a little more about the company.

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Unveiling the Colorful Journey of Asian Paints

/ Business Growth

If you think it is only Apple or Tesla that are innovation hubs of the world, you might be wrong. India has its own company that has topped the Global lists every time, when it comes to modernization and constant innovation of products, in a category which is completely non-tech and very traditional.

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How Maggi transformed into a household name in India through ingenious marketing strategies

/ Business Growth

Maggi always reminds me of my childhood days when I use to be hungry “Maggi” was the instant noodles which I used to get within 2 minutes. The add tagline is still fresh in my mind “Mummy, Bhuk Lagi Hai…. Bas 2 Minute”

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